Ibtechar to setup Accessible Fablab in Mada

Ibtechar to setup Accessible Fablab in Mada

Ibtechar to setup Accessible Fablab in Mada

Date: 10/10/2019

Worlds first accessible Fablab to be set up in Mada by Ibtechar. Both allies signed an agreement to work on the full setup of accessible Fablab funded by Mada on the MadaLab.
To know more about MadaLab, visit:


Taiwan Technology firm KOGI to be part of MadaLab

Taiwan Technology firm KOGI to be part of MadaLab

Taiwan Technology firm KOGI to be part of MadaLab

Date: 03/09/2020

KOGI technology from Taiwan has signed the sponsorship with Mada to provide the latest technology solution in the area of the accessible retail and accessible museum. KOGI will continue to strive for technology innovation and breakthrough, with extended localization in MadaLab with efforts to build accessible solutions, to play a key role in the next information revolution with Mada as partners.
To know more about MadaLab, visit:


SBS QATAR & DOT Incorp signs Sponsorship

SBS QATAR & DOT Incorp signs Sponsorship

SBS QATAR & DOT Incorp signs Sponsorship

Date: 16/07/2019

Synchronized business solutions and its Korean partner DOT Incorp signs agreement to provide accessibility and technology solutions in various sectors on the MadaLab. The key focus will be on way finding solutions, technology for blind and other digital accessibility solutions.
To know more about MadaLab, visit:


Super Wire Qatar sign the letter of intent to join MadaLab

Super Wire Qatar sign the letter of intent to join MadaLab

Super Wire Qatar sign the letter of intent to join MadaLab

Date: 18/03/2019

Mada officially shakes hands with Super Wire Qatar who will be the first sponsor on the MadaLab focusing on the Assistive Technology sector. MadaLAB serves as an Innovation hub for innovators, solution providers, users, and ICT & AT experts. Founded in Qatar, Super Wire currently exclusively represents and distributes innovative solutions from some of the top Assistive Technology manufacturers around the world.
To know more about MadaLab, visit:


Mada – FABLAB collaboration on first accessible maker space

Mada – FABLAB collaboration on first accessible maker space

Mada – FABLAB collaboration on first accessible maker space

Date: 12/03/2019

Mada & Fablab collaborated on the world’s first accessible maker space with a variety of technology solutions to support innovators in developing their proof of concept and demo product. Both parties agreed to run combined Fab Academy certified training programs for Innovators and students.
To know more about MadaLab, visit:
