As part of the competition organized by Mada Center and the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science Alexo, for mobile applications for people with disabilities, I participated in Braille, a simple interactive application to help learn and understand the written language of the blind, is a guide for beginners in learning Braille.
Mr. Bader Al-Rimish
Professor of Primary Education, Kingdom of Morocco
Winner of:
Mada – ALECSO Apps Award 2021
Supported Innovations:
It is a way of reading and sensitive texts by compensating the sense of consideration with the sense of touch,which is an urgent need for the blind to enable them to read, following my interests in the developments known in the educational arena and in order to provide Arab applications for people with special needs, I thought of completing an application that provides several simplified directed to learn to read in Braille, whether for those interested in this field or for who live under one roof with a blind or visually impaired person. Braille is a simple interactive application to help learn and understand the written language of the blind, is a guide for beginners in learning Braille,
The app offers:
– Arabic letters
– Formation marks
– Basic punctuation
– Numbers
– Basic math marks
– Latin letters
The app provides a variety of interactive exercises in pre-installation and understanding areas. Braille is a method that enables a person who cannot access printed materials to read and write normally. Read the Qur’an: Only using braille. There are many institutions that print the Holy Quran in a Braille way. Being able to read books, magazines and other publications. Working in a situation that requires following up on text content, where the blind can use the Braille line to read what he would like to explain or work on. Conducting calculations, especially complex ones. Learning new languages: especially when it comes to knowing the alphabets and spelling of words and compositions of sentences, as it benefits him in training to read in that language and to retrieve what he reads. Please note that this app is not specifically designed for people with severe visual impairment.
Mada-Alecso Award 2021
Mada was pleased to announce the winner of the Mada-Alecso Award 2021 in the Competitions Track within Mada Innovation Program: “Braille” for innovator Mr Bader Al-Rimish. The hybrid event took place in Qatar with participants joining across online.